Workplace punctuality and employee tardiness at Money Markers Financial

“[T]his memo aims to further expand on our company’s issue with workplace punctuality, and how we as a professional community can work together to prevent further employee tardiness.”

Context: This memo addresses a problem through the use of appropriate and informative communication. Its purpose is to effectively communicate a problem to a specific audience while maintaining an acceptable and understanding tone. This memo is a strong display of my writing abilities, such as displaying an ability to understand an audience and organization information to create impactful communication. The memo specifically focuses on organization in order to ensure the audience can appropriately review the information. With that said, this writing sample effectively illustrates the competency of rhetorical and writing theory. This is due to the memo having appropriately analyzed a problem by applying a strong rhetorical approach. Additionally, the memo was effectively created with the audience, purpose, and message in mind.


Sociological essay


Case brief